
Quote of the Week- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." 
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This quote sums up my life right now. I'm in uncharted territory, knowing I'm too far in to turn back and there is no other choice but to keep going forward and to trust God. A silhouette of the staircase is not even remotely visible. Even before I had a name for it, I have always attested my success in life thus far to my ability to step out on faith. Believing God for the impossible and being sure of what I hoped for and certain of what I did not see. Easier said than done.

Everyday almost I question my decision, I look at where I am and the journey ahead and work through sleepless nights because faith without works is dead. You have to put in the work to reap any kind of rewards. There is no such things as an overnight success or immediate gratification and you have no clue as to when your time will actually come. There is a time and season for everything and you have to prepare for it in advance before you can reach it. 

Wherever you are in your faith walk, I encourage you to continue to trust in God and know He is in control and has you covered. Regardless of the circumstances and how it may look. I can say this because as I type I am encouraging myself as well. Keep pressing forward. You can make it only if you don't quit in the process. As the celebrations abounded this week and last in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all he did, it reminds me to keep pressing and how much more I need to work as it pales in comparison to the sacrifices others had to make in order for me to enjoy the luxury of living my life in freedom. There is still work to be done...and we all have a part to play. 

Everyday you have to keep inching towards your goals, one step at a time, one task at a time. You don't have to know the outcome. You have to have the courage to walk in the direction of the outcome. Keep your faith and hope and dreams alive. Someone else might be looking at you to encourage them to dream. When I need to remind myself, I say this..."All is well with you, God has already fixed it, trust Him." Feel free to use that as often as you need to. Encourage yourself and others as we all need to stay the course and live our lives on purpose. 

What do you do in your faith walk to keep yourself encouraged? Please share, I would love to add a few new techniques to my list!

~C. Nzingha

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