
Weekly Reflection- Perseverance

Staten Island Ferry Ride, New York 2/2010

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

What does it mean to persevere? To persevere means to persist in anything undertaken, maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles or discouragement, continue steadfastly. 

The road to success and achieving your goals beyond your wildest imagination is not a sprint, this here is a marathon. Pacing yourself, preparing in advance, constantly surrounding yourself with people who are able and willing to cheer you on as you go along are imperative to you not only finishing the race, but winning it! Set your own goals and put your blinders on so you don't get distracted by what others are doing and how they are progressing in comparison to you. We each have our own race to run. Focus solely on running your good race. Remind yourself there is no competition. You are unique and so are your gifts. No one else on earth is able to do what you can do like you can do it. You just have to start and once you begin, you have to persevere in spite of, staying focused on the end result and pushing past the pain. You are past the point of now return, know that giving up is no longer an option.

What are some methods you use to continue to persevere and keep going on your race to your destiny? Let me know your thoughts!

~C. Nzingha


  1. I couldn't agree more! Our lives are marathons, not sprints, and we each have to run our own races in our own ways and in our own time frames. Love your blog and I'll be back!

  2. Greetings Sandra! *waving hello* Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. I look forward to more of your feedback in the coming weeks! Happy holidays to you. ;-)


  3. "No one else on earth is able to do what you can do like you can do it." Perseverance, as a discipline, begins with a healthy view of yourself: not exaggerated or inflated and not self loathing. An honest assessment of your self leads to self awareness. When you claim what is yours-- that "what I can do that no one else can do like I do it" -- perseverance becomes obligatory.

    I mean, after all, my sense of self worth and my role in contributing to the empowerment of others erupts like a solar flare if no one else can do what I do the way I do it!

    This is bigger than me. This is all about "them". People are counting on me to stand up, step up and persevere.

    Great post!! Thanks for doing what you do, that no one else can, the way only you can do it...

  4. Hello Hadley! Happy New Year greetings to you. :) I am in absolute agreement with you, there is no one on earth that can do what you do like you do it or me for that matter! You are obligated to be the best "you" possible and it is bigger than you and I. It is about how what we do benefits others and how our gifts impact the people who have a chance to witness our gifts. I am glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post! Looking forward to a wonderful year of operating in authenticity and purpose specific to me! *see you soon*
