
Lunchtime Love Meditation: Hear My Call

Buy this song: 

Hear My Call, Jill Scott

Listen to the song and let it relax you.
If you can close your eyes.
Take deep, slow breaths.

As you inhale:
Allow love to penetrate the hard callous walls blocking your heart.
Breath in the healing needed to destroy the multi-layers of pain present.
Let this moment refresh you with the qualities of cool water, as if washing away the residue that was clogging your heart from receiving love.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever. 
In my anguish, I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free." 
Psalms 118:1,5 NIV

As you exhale:
Let the fear that held up your healing be released.
Give yourself permission to be free from all familiar tension that constricts your body in any way.
Open yourself up to the possibilities of love.
Smile & take comfort in knowing, the best is yet to come! You win!

Question: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Now Go Do It!
"We don't say it enough, so we don't hear it enough." I love you!

Thanks for letting me love on you today!
~C. Nzingha Smith

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