
Beauty Babble: Olive Oil as Shaving Cream

Ladies...yes, I know. I was thinking some of the same thoughts about a week ago before I wrote an article on the beauty benefits of olive oil and coconut oil. After conducting research for the article, I found a plethora of different beauty uses for both natural oils. One of the benefits was olive oil as a great alternative to your current can of Skintimate or Gillette Satin Care.

Skeptical but curious, I decided to try it out for myself. New Year's Eve, I took a capful of olive oil while in the shower and spread it on the bottom portion of my leg just like I would do with the old trusties. I proceeded to shave as normal. After not noticing any difference, I continued with the upper leg. One then the other. The results...a beautiful, shiny, moisterized stem that looked as if I stepped off of the spa table after a wax. They felt even better than they looked as I went to put on lotion, they were already soft and silky. The lasting effect...the normal two day stumble was nowhere to be found come Saturday. I was shocked. My legs were still smooth and I am part wolverine (translated as hairy beast) btw, so believe me when I tell you I will be trying this one again soon.

As I try some of the other beauty findings out, I will spread the love or hate. If you happen to try it or have other beauty tips using olive oil, please do tell.

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